Gas Leak Detection

Service Hours: 24/7

Preventative Gas Leak Detection in Greater San Antonio, TX

Natural gas leaks can put your family in serious danger. At Five Star Plumbing, your safety is our priority which is why we are dedicated to providing the most accurate gas leak detection in Greater San Antonio, TX. Anytime you suspect a gas leak it is better to be safe than sorry and you should never hesitate to call in a professional.
Say Goodbye to Gas Leaks

Dizziness. Fatigue. Nausea. You don’t need a trained plumbing service to alert you to a gas leak, but you do need one to take care of it before it’s too late. Five Star Plumbing takes gas leaks very seriously and is available around the clock to be prepared in the event of a gas leak in your household. You can count on us to work quickly to restore your abode to its safest condition so it can be the sanctuary that you need.

Gas Leak Detection Greater San Antonio

Natural gas is a common and affordable form of energy, and you don’t need to be afraid of it. Gas leaks are rare, although you should be aware of the signs and what to do in the event of a gas leak, especially as a home or business owner. Ignoring the signs could cost you the lives of your family, customers or employees.

Signs to Look For

You’ll know you may be at risk if you smell sulfur or hear hissing near pipes or appliances. There may also be dead vegetation near the gas line, dirt blowing from the ground, or bubbling in wet areas.

What to Do

Remember not to operate electrical appliances including your cellphone, as an electrical charge can ignite leaking gas. Shutting off gas-fired appliances can also cause a spark. Do not smoke, start a car, use open flames or attempt to locate the leak yourself. Leave that to our certified plumbers.

How to Prevent a Leak

One of the simplest ways to prevent a disaster is to use a natural gas detector to alert you quickly to the presence of combustible gases. Five Star Plumbing can also conduct inspections on your gas line as a part of routine maintenance.

In the event of a gas leak, you know how to reach us. We will use our expertise and years of experience to safely deal with the leak in a quick and efficient manner. Schedule Five Star Plumbing for a gas line inspection today to prevent deadly situations.

Contact Us

Service Hours: 24/7
Licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners. P.O. Box 4200 Austin TX 78765 (800)845-6584 Julian Campos RMP license #44418

Five Star Plumbing