How To Prevent Clogged Drains

September 15, 2023by Five Star Plumbing

Clogged drains can be a nasty nuisance. Although you can’t prevent every backed up situation, certain preventative measures can help reduce the chances of recurring or disastrous events.

Use the Right Bacteria

Generally, organic material causes a slowed drain. Fortunately, certain bacteria can break down this matter and allow it to pass more effectively. Bacterial drain cleaner won’t corrode or harm pipes and doesn’t interfere with septic systems. For convenient use, follow directions on the package and apply bacteria when drains won’t be needed, like before bedtime or a work day.

Don’t Dump Grease Down Drains

Warm grease eventually cools, congealing in the drain and causing a clog. Even worse, the grease attracts other matter that makes the clog bigger and grosser. The solution? Never pour grease down a drain. Instead, wait until it cools and pour it into a container you can dispose of properly.

Don’t Rinse Products with Grout, Cement, or Joint Compound

Joint compound hardens under water, generating a difficult-to-remove clog. Sand, a common ingredient in grout and cement, is also a notorious enemy of free-flowing pipes. To avoid a professional pipe cleaning, rinse any products or containers soiled with these products in a yard or garbage can.

Use a Mesh Screen for Hair

Over time, hair and soap combine to create massive clogs that could require a drain snake to remove. To catch hair before this happens, consider using a mesh screen over vulnerable drains, like the shower, tub, or bathroom sink. Screens of various sizes can be purchased, or you can opt for a stopper with a built-in screen.

Flush Drains Regularly

Low-flow faucets and toilets save water but leave drains susceptible to piled up debris that can cause clogged drains. However, you can counteract the issue with regular flushes. For toilets, fill a five-gallon bucket with water and pour it into the toilet while flushing. For bathtubs or sinks, fill the tank with hot water and let it flow down the drain. This extra water flow will help catch any matter that has been sitting in the pipes.

Minimize Garbage Disposal Usage

Instead of dumping food waste down the disposal, consider using it for compost or throwing it away. Although the disposal might be convenient and accessible, organic waste can build up and cause clogged drains.

For all your plumbing needs, contact the experts at San Antonio, TX‘s own Five Star Plumbing.

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